roc Stars
As a travel team, the Roc Stars play across North America (primarily in the New York/New England area) in regular season games and tournaments.
#0 - Jean Cena
#08 - Manic Mayhem
#10 - Rander
#101 - Slosh Pit
#11 - Florence Flightingale
#13 - Bog Bodier
#1792 - Harlot Pimpernel
#18 - Shady
#2150 - FeFe
#248 - Salt N Ur Wound
#27 - Hater Tot
#34 - Jammin' Jewls
#413 - Star Spangled BamHer
#5 - P-Rex
#64 - Savage Patch Kid
#7 - Tofurious
#711 - Slamber Alert
#817 - JAG
#88 - Tokyo Drift
#934 - Post Mortim(er)